Sunday, May 20, 2012

Natural Disasters
             Living in central Oregon, we are always at risk of several natural disasters especially volcanoes and earthquakes. Being a teacher it is important for students to understand what these natural disasters are, the scientific processes behind them, and how it can affect the local area and the world. The first step is getting students to understand what these disasters are. Driving around our area there are several old volcanoes within a 30 mile radius, plus when you head to the Bend Oregon area there are several volcanoes there including Bachelor, Sisters, and an old cinder cone just outside of town. There are several links that students can explore to learn more about how volcanoes and earthquakes work. One site for volcanoes is by discovery located at that teaches students how volcanoes work, where volcanoes are, the types of volcanoes, and then has them create their own. Weather WizKids also has information and other links to help students understand located at Earthquakes are a second big disaster that could happen in our area. Websites that can help students understand this can be found at Weather WizKids at and information on vocabulary associated with earthquakes can be found at

Students should be aware of these natural disasters around the world. One website is found at Earth Observatory Natural Disasters, This shows current natural disasters happening around the world. Students can study the effect of these disasters, and I would have my students focus more on earthquakes and volcanoes. Students can learn how each of these disasters affects the people and the environment. I would let students pick a specific event and have students present their findings to the class.

Once students understand what these natural disasters are and how it has affected other places around the world I would have students brainstorm how a natural disaster could affect us locally. This would then lead to safety plans that students can teach their families at home and what they would need to be prepared. To contribute to our community I would have my students take their new knowledge to other classrooms in our school and teach other students about these natural disasters and what we can do to be prepared for one and how to stay safe.


  1. I think it is great to prepare students of natural disasters that could happen in your area. Do you teach them to make an emergency kit for circumstances like an earthquake. The kit should have things like water, food, meds, clothes, etc...

  2. Thanks for the links to earthquake information. I will use them with my students when we talk about natural disasters. During this unit in my class we discuss emergency prepardness at home. We discuss whether or not the sudents have a meeting place where they will meet up with their families in the event of an emergency.

  3. It seems that it is very important that you teach students about volcanoes since they are so close to home. I think Julie asked a great question about preparing an emergency kit. With the climate and weather changing natural disasters are invetiable and seem to be happening more and more. It is a good idea students understand how they happen. They then can be prepared if one should hit. The websites links you provided are great I saved them to my favorites.

  4. Last time I taught this lesson I did not have them create emergency kits. I think teaching how to be prepared with a family plan as well as having a kit prepared is going to be invaluable information. I will definately have them create a kit in the future.
